Order & Payment Policy
Order & Payment Policy
● Ordering Information
There is no minimum order
Prices are GST inclusive.
● Payment Information
We accept MasterCard, Visa, money orders, cheques, direct debit (by internet banking only) and cash. Order will be sent once cheque has cleared (usually 3 to 5 days). For Credit Card transactions the online checkout is secure. It uses SSL encryption, which is an internet standard and encrypts all of your details .
● International Orders
Please note that GST is not applicable to international orders. You will receive a 9% discount off the price products that attract GST. Please note that not all products have GST. The online shopping cart is not able to reflect this discount and the discount will be applied at the time of invoicing. Postage is charged at the actual rate. Please email if you require a quote.
● Each country has individual rules regarding importing products. Your order may be subject to customs fees and duty – which is the responsibility of the purchaser to pay. Please check your local requirements before placing an international order.
● If you choose to pay via wire transfer please add an extra $35AU to cover fees. We recommend using Transferwise for international orders as there are no extra fees.
● Delivery Terms
We aim for a 24-hour turn around time on all orders. Please allow up to two weeks for receipt of your order. If there is any delay in dispatching your order, you will be contacted by email. Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond does not routinely backorder if an item is unavailable at the time of order. However, if you want an item to be back ordered please indicate this in the order instructions text box in the checkout within the shopping cart.
● If paying by cash or direct deposit– payment must be received within 14 days or the order will be cancelled. Please note items can go out of stock if there is a delay in making payment.
● Images
All images have been scanned or photographed to best depict the true colours of the products. However, the colours on the screen may vary from the true colours of the products. Please be aware of this before purchase.
Email cannot be empty
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Email format error
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Email already exists
6-20 characters(letters plus numbers only)
The password is inconsistent
Email format error
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6-20 characters(letters plus numbers only)
The password is inconsistent